Food Services: Tips for Saving Money on Food ServicesFood Services: Tips for Saving Money on Food Services

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Food Services: Tips for Saving Money on Food Services

If you own a restaurant, you have to spend money on food services, and these expenses can represent a large portion of your monthly expenses. Luckily, there are numerous ways to save money on food services. Hi, my name is Helen, and I have worked in the restaurant or catering industry for almost two decades. Through that time, I have worked in a number of different jobs with a number of different responsibilities. This blog is the culmination of everything I have learned about cutting costs, and it also includes research that I have done. If you own a restaurant or are in the hospitality industry, this blog is designed to help you. Please explore and share.

Oysters | 3 Tips To Sound Like an Expert When Ordering Oysters on Your First Date

If you've decided to head to a seafood restaurant whose forte is oysters, then you'll want to know how to order them smartly to make a good first impression. Not only are oysters considered an aphrodisiac, but they are also classy appetisers before any meal. Ordering oysters doesn't come naturally to everyone, so use these tips to sound like an expert when you order them on your first date. 

Know What Oysters are Served 

Before going to the restaurant, be sure to do enough research to tell the difference between oysters served. Typically in Australia, there are three types of oysters served in most restaurants and seafood markets –– Pacific oysters, Sydney Rock oysters and Native oysters. Sydney Rock oysters are grown natively in Australia with smooth, triangular-shaped shells and pale meat. These are usually smaller than other types of oysters and taste milder. Pacific oysters are grown throughout Australia with shells that are elongated and spiky. These oysters are larger than Sydney Rock oysters with slightly blacker meat. Native oysters are flat oysters and are grown in multiple parts of the country. Since they are flat, they have a finer texture and saltier flavour to the other oysters. Knowing the basic difference between oysters served in restaurants will help you choose flavours that you and your date like. For example, if you'll are both beginners, then it's best to choose the milder flavoured Sydney Rock oysters. If you like salty flavours, then native oysters will work best. 

Smelling is Good 

While it's probably bad manners to smell other types of food, it is a must when it comes to oysters. Oysters should ideally have a fresh, seawater odour and should be full of meat. Begin by smelling the oyster. If it doesn't have a seawater-like smell, don't eat it because it's probably not fresh. You'll also want to avoid oysters that are served with little meat or dry because these are also indicators that the oysters aren't fresh. Eating stale oysters could give you and your date upset stomachs. Your date will thank you for your keen sense of smell if you notice stale oysters being served at the restaurant. 

Reserve a Good Table Near the Oyster Bar 

If you're going to a restaurant with a specialised oyster bar, ring up the restaurant to reserve a table near the bar to give you a proper view of the oysters you want to order. When picking out your oysters from the bar, look for oyster juices inside the oyster shell. Oyster juices are known as liquor and are usually a strong indicator that the oyster is fresh and good to eat. Sitting near the oyster bar will also give you and your date the opportunity to watch the oyster shucker in action –– a great opportunity to kick-start a conversation when it gets awkward. 

Use these tips to sound like an expert when ordering oysters on your first date –– it may be the first of many more to come.